Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Natural Gender Selection: Boy Or Girl? - You Decide

Have you ever heard of natural gender selection? Do you know what it is and how it could turn your dream into reality? Let me explain.

We’ve all heard friends or family members state that if you guarantee them a little girl or boy for their next baby, they wouldn’t hesitate to expand their family. Couples with two or more boys or girls are sometimes afraid to take the plunge and try for another child in case they end up with another baby of the same sex.

Imagine the scenario: You have 2 lovely lively little girls, and you get pregnant again, desperately hoping for a little boy, the birth of your baby reveals your third daughter. Would you try again, some couples would think that after 3 daughters the chance of having a boy would be higher, the law of averages would surely bring this into play. Actually… No. Even if you have two or three girls or boys and you decide to have another baby, you have exactly the same chance of having another baby of the same gender, and that is a 50% chance. Natural gender selection can tip the scales slightly in your favor!

We all know that there are certain medical procedures, that can increase your chance of conceiving a baby of a specific gender. Medical gender selection has been around for years, techniques include The Ericsson method, sperm spinning, and PGD. Although techniques are improving and your chance of conceiving a baby of your selected gender can be as high as 85 - 90%, vast majority of medically assisted gender selection relies mainly on using IVF (in vitro fertilisation) Unfortunately IVF only has a 35% chance of actually creating a pregnancy at all. So the 90% success of the gender selection process is drastically lowered when it’s twinned with a 35% success rate of an actual pregnancy! And on top of those odds, you will paying thousands of dollars with each attempt.

So let me get to natural gender selection. This method of baby sex selection has actually been used in the western world for many many years. Have you ever heard of the Chinese gender calendar? This is just one method of natural gender selection, although not as highly rated as certain other methods.

Natural gender selection came to the UK and US back in the 70’s when Dr Landrum B Shettles wrote a book called the Shettles method, now nearly 40 years later methods have been researched and refined by women in the very position that you may be in now. Women who want that perfect family, women who would love a girl to join their three boys, and even women who just decided their family would consist of one of each! Some of these ladies claim a 94% success rate on their methods of natural gender selection.

Using knowledge about your body, and your menstrual cycle, teamed together with information about your diet and timing of intercourse, you could tip those gender scales in favor of the child that you want. Take a closer look at natural gender selection and arm yourself with the knowledge to create your dream family.