Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wrinkle Free Skin Care

If our face is our fortune, then wrinkle-free skincare is its treasurer. Our society places great stock in youthful-looking facial skin, and wrinkle free skin care to reduce lines and stop wrinkles is always a hot subject. Of course, there are many surgical procedures to reduce and even eliminate wrinkles nowadays. However, these have certain drawbacks – side-effects, adverse reactions and a considerable cost are only some of them.

The fact is that our skin could stay younger longer if we took better care of it. Stress, excessive sun exposure, use of tobacco, certain medications and air pollution often contribute to premature wrinkling of the facial skin. The best time to start wrinkle free skincare is when we are still young. Thereafter, we should make it a lifetime habit to maintain our skin. Parents who guide their children about avoiding excessive ultraviolet ray exposure are taking the right steps. Teaching them about the aging effects of smoking is also very helpful.

Effective and long-lasting wrinkle free skin care begins with using the correct formulations from an early age. Our skin loses moisture because of exposure to extreme weather. Too much sunlight speeds up the aging process because of the detrimental effects of ultraviolet radiation. Moisturizers and sunscreens that suit our skin types are effective tools to prevent premature wrinkling of skin. The best sunscreens have a UV protection factor of 15 or higher. If the skin has already suffered because of too much tanning, we can use wrinkle-free skincare products that that restore the skin cells’ natural integrity while offering protection against further damage.

Wrinkle free skin care must focus on the replenishment of skin moisture, the retention of essential fats and the maintenance of skin elasticity. The depletion of elastin, which is a network of elastic fibers within skin cells, causes skin to fold up into the ridges we know as wrinkles. Loss of the skin’s essential fats is another causative factor, which is preventable with the use of collagen-based skin care products. The skin loses its natural store of collagen (a skin protein) with advancing age. By replenishing this store externally, we give your skin a new lease on youthful life and vibrancy.

Wrinkle free skin care has come a long way since the days when all that most products could achieve was a temporary reestablishment of moisture. Scientific studies have revealed the main reasons for skin wrinkling and offered specific solutions. They can not only restore the skin’s required collagen levels but also reverse a lot of damage caused by environmental and lifestyle factors. Many products have antioxidant effects, which prevent the skin cells from breaking down further. Certain vitamins found in many wrinkle free skin care products also have a restorative effect.

In some cases, hormone-based applications can have dramatic effects. Topical application of compounds containing the female hormone estrogen has yielded dramatic results in such cases. Skin peels that remove the superficial layer of wrinkled skin can be very useful, as can facial masks that re-hydrate and nourish wrinkled skin and restore youthful suppleness. However, the primary line of defense in wrinkle free skin care has always been a healthy lifestyle. Without adopting necessary lifestyle changes, one can only engage in various degrees of damage control to combat skin wrinkling.

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